Welcome to The Blackpool Sixth Form College Blogsite

We are a high-achieving and friendly College, serving Blackpool and the whole of the Fylde Coast. We offer excellent academic and applied programmes to a wide range of students aged between 16 and 19. Since we became a Sixth Form College in 1988, we have gone from strength to strength and now have over 1900 students on roll. In June 2009, the College completed the second stage of a £15 million development programme, adding to our fantastic facilities and learning environment.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

February Fashions

On the 15th of February, our business students finally got to see their masterpiece come together. Their project was a fashion show to be supported by local fashion retailers and our own fashion students.

Karen McCann reports.

The night was well received with staff, students and members of the public showing up in support for Trinity Hospice.
The show kick started with a fantastic performance from a small group of students from the performing arts department of Blackpool Sixth Form College, doing a tap routine fully choreographed by the dancers, to "Show Me How to Burlesque".
Swiftly followed by a truly inspired catwalk show displaying the recent range of 'Next' clothing; it really did feel like a professional show at London Fashion Week.
The photographer for the event was Abby Waylett and Johnny Blackburn, who took the role and  executed it with the highest of standards.
Everything from the music to the lighting was so well organised that the business BTEC students should not only be proud of their work, but also thanked!
After a brief interval, where a group of dancers all the way from Chester put on a lovely performance, before a selection of 24 outfits made by the fashion BTEC students from the college, mainly decorated blazers, were worn on the catwalk. This was closely followed by a short speech from a Trinity Hospice representative who gave thanks to the organised team for a wonderful evening, detailed what work the charity does and how nice it was to get money donated by the college.
The night concluded with a lucky winner of the raffle, receiving a meal for 4 at the Hilton; I am very jealous.
Congratulations to everyone who took part, I know I had a great night.

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